César Manrique

Visit to the Cactus Garden. Tourism Guide in Lanzarote.

Not sure what to do in Lanzarote? A visit to Cacti Garden is an excellent plan full of art, culture, and many cacti! Lets Know about Lanzarote culture: The Cacti Garden in the north of Lanzarote is a perfect mixture of Guanche culture, art, nature, and gastronomy. This souvenir wants to represent all these qualities harmonically so that you don't forget this great tourist experience in Lanzarote. “César Manrique was an important artist of Lanzarote, who, among many other works, de...

Visit to the Jameos del Agua. Guide to visit Lanzarote

Not sure what to do in Lanzarote? Visiting the Jameos del Agua is a great option full of art and nature. A fusion between art and nature. It was the architect César Manrique who merged nature and art to create the Jameos del Agua, natural space and a centre for art and culture. He changed this wild space harmoniously and respectfully, and that is why the Jameos del Agua is the only place in the world where you can see the Jameito, the blind crab that is the protagonist of this very special m...

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